The diagnosis and surgical treatment of pancreatic lithiasis 胰腺结石的诊断和外科治疗
Conclusion The operation can disengage pancreatic duct obstruction, drain away the pancreatic fluid, prevent reflux and anastomotic leakage, is an effective treatment for pancreatic lithiasis. 结论术式能彻底解除胰管梗阻,引流胰液,有效地抗返流及预防吻合口瘘,不失为治疗胰管多发性结解除梗阻石的有效方法。
Methods Excide pancreatic duct, fetch net lithiasis, patchy jejunal loop was anastomosed to pancreatic duct in accordance with the peristalsis of jejunum. 方法切开胰管,取净结石,以血管片状移植技术,用部份剖半的空肠袢片、顺蠕动吻合胰管。